Parent Code of conduct

Playing Time

Coaches allocate playing time by taking into account the nature and importance of each match in order to maximize both player development and team development, while still giving the team a chance to win. Coaches are asked to rate each tournament/league and each match within each tournament/league and adjust playtime accordingly.

Sideline Behavior

Legends FC Norcal expects the highest standard of behavior from its parents. Parents are expected to abide by the Parent Code of Conduct. Parent coaching from the sideline is not permitted and respect towards referees is required. You can refer to the sideline behavior HERE.

Availability Changes
If a player cannot attend practice due to unforeseen circumstances, then that player is required to notify their coach as soon as it is possible to do so. For changes to availability on a game day, the player (or parent if a younger player U11 and below) should text the coach and advise if the player can no longer participate in a game. For practices, the parent should annotate the change in availability in Playmetrics and contact the coach or team manager in line with whatever expectations that coach/team has in place additionally.

Consistent absences could result in less play time, not being selected for match rosters, being moved down to another Legends FC Norcal team (if applicable), or in rare circumstances removal from the club. 

Conflict Management
Should a conflict arise between Legends FC Norcal coaches, players, or parents it is required that such confrontations be addressed in the appropriate manner (with respect), and at the appropriate time (privately).  While the coaches are committed to open communication with parents, there is a certain process that should be observed. In particular, the time before and during a game is dedicated to the players. It is not appropriate for a parent to approach a coach to discuss game or individual player concerns at this time. The coach will be happy to set up a meeting/phone call to address parent concerns at a time that will not interfere with the attention required by the players. An exception to this request is an incident when a player is injured. The coaches will be available immediately after a game to discuss the situation and any concerns with parents.

It is understood by accepting a roster spot for their child on a Legends FC Norcal team that the parents are committing to pay club and team fees for their player(s) in a timely fashion. If parents fall behind in payment, their player(s) may not be allowed to train with the team, and/or may be ineligible for any games while fees remain outstanding. Injury or quitting the team does not release the player from meeting the club dues obligations set forth by the team. 


For issues with coaching time, please do not escalate it to the team manager. Coaches are the ones making the decision. So be respectful of them while having a conversation.